Fun & Fitness
“Pickleball,” a funny word that I heard from friends and fitness clients several years ago.
Being the curious person I am, I had to find out what Pickelball was all about, so I signed up for a Beginners class at a local community centre in January 2020. Unfortunately, the pandemic hit in March 2020 reducing the options to play, but the few lessons I had were enough to get me interested and craving more.
As soon as Covid restrictions lightened up, my lessons continued outdoors, and our small group of Pickleball keeners met as much as possible at a quiet tennis court pitching our nets and chalking in temporary lines. Yep…I was hooked!
I braved my first tournament in fall 2021 winning Silver in mixed doubles and have since won multiple medals in the 4+ women’s doubles and mixed category. The highlight so far has been going to Nationals in 2022 and earning Silver in 4.5 womens doubles and the Provincials in 2023 winning Silver in 4.0 womens doubles.